Our Story
Tom burg started its journey from a simple thought and a big dream – the thought that there can be more cost effective avenues to comfort clothing, and a dream that these should be available to all. To cater to the world, first we receive from the world. Our materials are hand-picked, our weavers come from all over the world, and our improvements in blending are innovative. In the process, we do not forget to take care of the carbon footprint. Some of our products are made of all natural fabrics, low on water consumption and are also bio-degradable. In terms of styles, from timeless classics to current trends, we take care of what looks good along with what feels good. Since 2018, April, we have started to live our dream and we have only just begun. Tom burg will continue to ensure comfort before anything and comfort for everyone.
Tom Burg is the brand owned by Tom Burg Fashions Pvt. Ltd.
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